With January very much round the corner it might be time to start thinking about those dreaded ‘new year’s resolutions’ that we all love to jump on board with, but hate to go through with. If you want some realistic, exciting and ‘do-able’ resolution inspiration then continue reading….
Meet new people
Perhaps you have found yourself becoming more reserved and shy in your day to day life, and you want your resolution to involve meeting new people, putting yourself our there, and making more lifelong friends. Applying to China TEFLer will certainly be sure to remedy this one.
Moving to a foreign country with a completely different language will mean that it will be unavoidable for you to take that first leap of faith and put yourself out there. It’s not all terrifying however! Although being in a completely new place will require you to go out and meet new people, try and learn the language, and generally get to grips with your new life, once you have settled in you will have made potential life-long friends and done the frightening deed of meeting new people.
Make a career change
Whether you’re in your last year of uni with absolutely NO idea of what you want to do, or rather you’ve been stuck in the same dead-end job day in day out for the last three years. If you want this year to be the one where you take that leap and make that necessary career change, then it doesn’t get more exciting and different than moving across the world to teach.
What’s more, you will have gained valuable life and work experience, a competitive monthly salary, and will have made your self HEAPS more employable when you return.
Travel an exciting and upcoming country
Perhaps your New year’s resolution isn’t so much about improving yourself or your career, but finally giving in to your ever-growing desire to travel. Not many jobs offer you the chance to travel somewhere across the other side of the world whilst getting a good pay! This is why China TEFLer offers such a sought-after and exciting opportunity.
Not only simply moving to China will have meant you can finally tick of that place to visit, but with weekends and holidays of from school, you have plenty of time to travel all around Asia if that’s what you wanted. With travel connections so good and inexpensive, you would be crazy not to take advantage of this experience to travel.
So, for a NEW new year’s resolution, move to china to meet new people, make an exciting career change, AND fulfil that desire to travel you can’t get rid of.
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