Tag Archives: guizhou

Eastern city through Western eyes. How much a typical Chinese city has changed over the past 7 years.

Guiyang is your typical Chinese city that you’ve probably never heard of. Surrounded on all sides by dramatic mountain scenery and lush bamboo rainforest, it offers a sense of adventure and difference from our sheltered western world. The city is the capital of China’s poorest province, and though they may not lead the nation by many a metric, they are the undisputed leaders of alcohol production and the locals have a very ‘vibrant’ nightlife. I first arrived in this city fresh off the plane at a bright eyed 22 year old TEFL teacher in November 2012 over seven years ago.…

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Me with 2 of my students at i2 education Guizhou China

i2 English Guiyang school review. My experience

Hi I’m Rowan. I am a graduate from the UK and I moved to Guiyang in Guizhou province, South West China to teach English at i2 English school. Here is a review of my experiences. Where was your school? In September 2017, I moved to the city of Guiyang in the Guizhou province to start working for i2 International Institute of Education. I2 has 9 campuses in the city made up of around 2 to 10 Foreign Teachers (FTs).  The campus I worked in was away from the busy city centre in a community. What were the working hours like?…

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