Happy Chinese teacher and students

Teach English in China

Calling all Graduates wanting to make the most of life!

Live an entire lifetime in a single year. In a completely new culture. At the forefront of the new world. Teach English in China. Learn Mandarin Chinese and use the money to travel all over Asia. These teaching positions are safe, exciting, rewarding and reputable. Thus opening up a world of opportunities that your typical grad-job can’t even come close to.

What’s the job?

In this 12-month placement you will live and work in China like a local. You will teach English to children. Creating exciting lessons and activities to bring their imaginations to life. As a result, your lessons will make a positive impact on your young student’s lives and inspire them to learn English.

From this job you will gain work experience in the far-east. Moreover, you will have international teaching experience to proudly add to your now not-so-ordinary CV. On top of this, you will earn phenomenally good pay, at least three times that of the average Chinese salary. We tailor these teaching positions to your own personal circumstances. Then we work with you to find the perfect start date, location, working hours and even the pay.

I hear about China a lot. Why do these positions exist?

Demand for these positions are at their highest. China is an economic superpower and is developing a middle class. Consequently, Chinese families have more money to spend. So, what should this money pay for?

Well, Chinese culture places huge emphasis on their children’s education. You may have noticed a lot of Chinese students at your university. This is for the same reason. In addition to education, eastern philosophy gives China a respect for foreign cultures. Consequently, many Chinese yearn to learn English; the global language.

So, we have a perfect storm; demand for children’s English classes and money to pay for it. So, what’s the solution?

Well, to grab that money and meet market demand, English schools have opened in their masses. These are private schools teaching students outside of public-school hours. These schools eagerly compete for tuition fees to teach Children English. But, understandably, their quality varies greatly.

Schools range in size. From multinational corporations such as Education First, to a rented room in a shopping centre. Then it gets more complicated. For example, many Education First schools are franchises and ran independently. This is the same for many big school companies. In contrast other schools are run corporately and offer different work for teachers.

Comparing these jobs in China is confusing. There is no shortage of schools in China and no lack of potential employers. But many jobs sound similar and generic. So, it’s hard to compare jobs. As such, the challenge is finding a quality position at a reliable school. This is where we come in…

Our agency gives you the best school vacancies in China

Before starting this agency, our team worked in China on these positions first hand. Consequently, we feel we know these positions rather well. Our agency is about to turn 5. And for these past 5 years our company has dedicated our resources to vetting, selecting and continually assessing school employers in China. Picking the very best ones to earn our ‘elite’ name.

We provide an extra layer of protection. In the unlikely event of any issues with your school employer we are there to help. We also assist you through the entire process. From applying for your visa all the way to your return home. To ensure we deliver at our best, we cap our positions at only 200 per year. This ensures we spend time and get to know every single applicant we recruit. Our blog www.chinaTEFLer.com builds transparency by showing past teachers experiences and their lives in China.

Where will I be based?

We have built a network of the very best schools all around China. Thus, we work with you to find the best location tailored to your preferences. From megacities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen. To areas of outstanding natural beauty such as Guizhou and magical Guangxi.

What job will I be doing?

Your role as a TEFL teacher will be part of a multi-discipline approach to teaching English. Typically, students will have 3 lessons per week. For 2 of these, students are taught English by a Chinese English teacher. Usually, these classes closely follow the school curriculum text book. Specifically, teachers concentrate on grammar and sentence patterns that need explaining in Chinese.

The remaining one class per week is taught by a ‘foreign’ TEFL teacher. As a foreign TEFL teacher, you work with your Chinese colleagues. Therein you support their topics and lessons and apply the vocabulary students have learned to new and creative exercises. Moreover, as a native-level speaker, foreign TEFL teachers are expected to lead the classes oral English development.

What are the students like?

Student age and ability levels vary from school to school. And these can range anywhere from kindergarteners to adults. However, students are usually Primary School age level. Prior to being offered a position, candidates will be provided full details of the school’s specific age and ability levels that you will be required to teach.

Sounds good but I’m not a teacher nor have any experience. Can I still apply?

The beauty of these positions is that they require no prior experience. This is because full training is provided. Prior to your start date, your employer will assist you in an online 120-hour TEFL training course. Accordingly, this will be the foundation that your teaching skills gained in the classroom will be built on.

But I can’t speak Chinese. Does this matter?

Actually, contrary to popular belief, many Chinese schools prefer teachers with no prior Chinese language skills. This helps ensure classes are only delivered in English. Thus, enabling a fully immersive teaching environment for Chinese students.

What Qualities & Qualifications and do I need for this?

  • English Language proficiency to native level
  • A Bachelor degree or above
  • Passion to work in a classroom environment
  • A burning desire to see the world
  • Eagerness to dive into new challenges
  • 100% commitment and dedication
  • A hunger for more out of life

This position is in China. What are the visa requirements?

Candidates need to satisfy the requirements set by Chinese immigration authorities. Specifically, candidates need to qualify for a Chinese working (Z) visa. Nationals of the following countries are eligible:

  • United States of America
  • United Kingdom
  • Republic of Ireland
  • Canada
  • South Africa (additional visa steps currently required)
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

What assistance do you provide?

This is more than just a job for us and we enjoy helping teachers get the most out of these positions. Hence, included in the position is full visa assistance and guidance through the onboarding process. Moreover, we provide complete support during the entire placement while in China. On your return home we will be keen to hear about your experience and encourage you to contribute to the chinatefler.com blog.

What does this position open up for my Career?

This position would be an ideal placement to get a real taste for China. Moreover, you would build solid foundations in a business relationship with China. Be that from continued education or pivoting into a different sector. Likewise, the experience gained is a colossal addition to your CV. Additionally you earn the important life experience of travelling around the world first hand.

OK I want to go for this. How do I apply?

We’re pleased to hear it and if you have the drive and commitment then we welcome your application.

All candidates should apply directly on our site https://www.nooneliterecruitment.com/teach-english-in-china via the secure ‘apply now’ link.

May we wish you the best of luck and we look forward to hearing from you.

Also, check out our province guides at nooneliterecruitment.com:

City guides